Hi Everyone,
I am pleased to announce that we have re-launched the JPSC website. Going Forward the new site will give us the ability to include much more content than was possible with the old site. This could include members photo galleries, build diaries, blogs or anything else we see fit to add. It also gives us the ability to have multiple editors on the site so it won’t be up to just 1 person to keep everything current.
I was not able to carry over the old site login details from the old site so you will all have to recreate them. This is an easy process so don’t panic.
On the front page of the new site http://jpsc.org.uk there is a link for create an account on the right hand side under the login box. Follow the instructions and you will receive an email asking you to confirm your account. Once you have confirmed your account you will be able to log in and get to the members area.
I am still adding previous issues of the Proper Job so you will have to bear with me.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions please feel free to email me.
I hope you all like the new site.
PS. Please accept the JPSC’s apologies for the fact that this message went out to the Sylva Chat List first, as you can imagine we have had some technical challenges of late!
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