It is the JPSC AGM on Sunday at Stoneleigh. As we mentioned a few weeks ago, James and Luke are standing down, so as a minimum we need a new Chairman.
The Committee as it stand is:
Ed – Membership Secretary
Tim – Communications Secretary
Pete – Treasurer
We are looking for proposals for a new Chairman, but if there are none, then Pete is willing to stand for this role.
We are also looking for someone to pick up ownership of the website and also someone else to pick up ownership of the Club magazine.
As we said previously, if no-one else wants to stand or take on these responsibilities then we can continue, but it has to be on a reduced activity basis.
In addition, we want your views at the AGM (or before) on membership fees. if the club is forced to operate at a lower level of activity, then the proposal is:
• That we stop taking annual membership fees for the foreseeable future from existing members.
• We estimate that we can continue as a club for a couple of years like this, then we restart the fees when the current club funds run out.
• We would take a nominal one-off fee (£15) from new members when they join.
We would welcome your views on this proposal both before and at Stoneleigh.
We do need your input though if we are to keep the club magazine and website active, and draw in new members to the fold.
Please let us know your thoughts. An agenda for the AGM will be issued shortly, but it will be at 2pm on Sunday 6th May in the JPSC marquee at Stoneleigh.
The JPSC Committee
2012 AGM May 6th at Stoneliegh
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