Le Mans 2012

Le Mans ? Laon ? Talk about it here
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Le Mans 2012

Postby Edd » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:16 pm

Hi All,
I know I am a bit early having just watched the 2011 super race but just wonde4ring if anyone is up for next year?
Basic plan is same/similar ferry times as normal. Rough guide here:-
Wednesday overnight ferry Newhaven to Dieppe
Small roads drive to campsite, we WILL find a good breakfast stop around Liseux but not in Liseux, I am thinking a nice Café/Coffee shop i.e. the first one we see which is open!
Arrive Spay campsite approx. noon, set-up, shopping and chill for a few minutes!
Qualifying AND dinner at the circuit.
Friday – head to circuit via Porsche curves and Mulsanne and look at the cars in all their glory in the pit lane.
Tram or Ben’s bus to Le Mans town centre for pancakes and mussels/frites and beer, may stay to watch the parade but need to get back to campsite for the great Mad Friday BBQ!
Saturday – Race – get there early. If you are not on the start finish straight then the hours before the start are quite boring!
I would love to stay at the circuit for the whole 24 hours this year, this may mean a few hours sleep at Mulsanne or elsewhere but I’d love to do it one year!
Sunday afternoon post-race! Swim and beer in the lake! IT WILL BE HOT!!
Monday – lazy day back to Dieppe and ferry back. If they reintroduce the 11pm ferry we will be on it!
So, can you tell I’m up for it!
Anyone else?
I will add I am happy to arrange alternative crossings for anyone who would rather travel Dover-Calais or other routes, let me know and I will do.
Edd Berresford.

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Name: Paul Willetts

Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby PaulW7 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:54 pm

Edd, An idea from our trip this year. If Aston Martin are running next year try a friday morning run to Chartre-sur-la-loir the team used the hotel de France in the town in the 1950's and David Richardson and many AMOC members were there. Lots of cars, nice drive 25km from camp site , lots of history in the hotel. Nice cafe on the square Well worth a trip. Paul
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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby Edd » Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:34 pm

Hi Paul,
Just spotted your post! I am indeed going next year, and will run up to Chartres on the Friday.

Ben Smith
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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby Ben Smith » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:14 am

Sounds like a great plan. But unfotunatley we will have to have a year off next year. Baby is due end of april/early may! :D Hope to be back in 2013 and hopefully back in a kit car. Have fun in 2012.

Ben and Tanya.

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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby Edd » Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:11 am

Congrats to you both!
Is Chris up for it?

The Quatt
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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby The Quatt » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:35 am

Hi Edd,

Definateley up for it again in 2012 after the success of the 2011 escapade ! ! ! Including tree episode.
Looks as though it was the one and only trip for the Quattro on foreign shores, but will be in one of Stuttgarts finest next year if everything goes to plan.
I know it's a surprise to leave the 4 rings, but needs must and new broom etc etc.
Speak to you soon, keep in touch.

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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby Edd » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:29 pm

What tree episode????
Didn't know you'd left Audi! What about the wife?

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Re: Le Mans 2012 - Calling PW

Postby Edd » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:56 pm

Are you going to LM this year?

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Name: Paul Willetts

Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby PaulW7 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:01 am

Not planning to this year, We have been to the last 3. So unlikley but never say never, a couple of my trips have been arranged as late as May. Paul.

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Re: Le Mans 2012

Postby Edd » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:17 pm

Does anyone know how many of the Dutch are coming this year?

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