European Breakdown Cover

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European Breakdown Cover

Postby Edd » Wed May 31, 2017 6:18 pm

Has anyone got any best deals for breakdown cover in Europe!
Striker is 16 yo next week and it's getting harder and dearer to find cover!

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Re: European Breakdown Cover

Postby pigeondave » Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:15 pm

Ive used these in the past ... n-recovery

now I get it lumped in with the insurance which I get from A-Plan
I cant remember where their specialist team for kit cars is based but they do have one.

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Re: European Breakdown Cover

Postby Edd » Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:35 pm

Actually phoned AXA direct as they were the most reasonable for a 16 yo car, they actually were cheaper than thier website price! Go Figure!
I always mean to add it to my annual insurance but always forget!

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Re: European Breakdown Cover

Postby tims31 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:14 pm

I've gone to a company called Auto Aide who I think also do European cover too. They were highly recommended on Locostbuilders forum. Reasonable cost£43 for the year and covers any vehicle plus free cover for spouse included.

Sorry, just had a look and Euro cover isn't included, they do a separate policy for Euro cover

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Re: European Breakdown Cover

Postby motivforz » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:22 pm

I used to be with Autoaid, used them 3/4 times and found them great, but when I started going to Le Mans I needed european cover and ADAC (germany based) were cheapest. If you can get a policy with them they're reasonably cost effective and cover UK. Under £80 for the year and covers the person rather than the vehicle, and serviced by AA in the UK I believe.

Their Koln office speaks english - +0049 2214727444

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