Le Mans 2017

Le Mans ? Laon ? Talk about it here
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Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:52 pm

Starting to get this together a bit earlier than last year...but Le Mans 2017 will soon be here, and althoug the place will be strange without Audi and the everywhere branding I am certains as ever that it will be a fantastic year! I will nail my colours to the mast and hope that Toyota can last 5 minutes longer this year!
So breif details below:-
Weds 14th June 2017.
Plan a. Newhaven-Dieppe ferry with cabin - sailing approx. 2300 arr. approx 0400.
Plan b. Dover-calais approx 1500 then to nuefchatel campsite overnight.
Thurs 15th.
Drive to Spay campsite with Lunch stop tba depending on plan a or b!
Try to catch both evening sessions of final quailifying but entirely up to you.
Friday 16th.
Free day on track, various options - Pit Walk, track drive/walk. on track shows etc, evening either dinner out or at camp!
Le 24 Hueres du mans!
Monday 19th June
Plan a. Dieppe-Newhaven - dep approx 1800 arrive approx 2300.
Plan b. Calais-Dover dep approx. 1800.
Those not been before:-
We stay at Spay campsite which a nice quiet campsite with reasonalbe facilities BUT great company, we usually get taken under the wing our longstanding friends from the land of cheese! (Holland!) The site is about 15 minutes dribe from the car parks....with no traffic....
Cost. Keeps creeping up with increased ferry costs and bad exchange rates but I hope to do for about £350 per car based on 2 per car. Unitl I start researching ferry costs I won't know this figure for sure but I will hope to have some details by the end of the week.
The above costs includes: Ferry/Race Tickets (GE) and Car Park (Rouge?)/Campsites. All you need to do is fuel your car and yourself!
Any takers? I will need a £50 deposit per person to confirm your place before I book your ferry!
Please ask any questions,
PS. Apologies if you get this 'ad' a few times as I send it to all the JPSC related forums but feel free to share it!

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Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:53 pm

Looking at ferry prices is seems Newhaven Dieppe is no longer the bargain it used to be so I'll be going plan b (dover-Calais) which should mean a cost of £300-350 per car based on 2 per car.
Happy to book other ferry choices.

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Name: Mike Newman

Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Mike51 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:53 pm

I had a great time at Classic Le Mans last year - staying at Spay - and hope I may get to the 24 hour this year. If I go I will be driving there from France so will not need a ferry but do please keep me informed.

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Name: Mike Newman

Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Mike51 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:55 pm

PS I have now moved from Scotland to Shrewsbury and notice there is a pin on the map just south of me in Lyth Hill. Do you happen to know who it is?

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Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:13 pm

Hi All,
Just a final call for anyone still thinking about Le Mans. Ferries are booked for those already booked, but happy to take more!
More details just ask.

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Name: Mike Newman

Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Mike51 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:44 pm

Any idea of numbers yet?

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Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:56 pm

Not too many, 3-4 cars with me and another few joining Thursday morning but they'll be many Dutch!

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Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:37 pm

Going to order race tickets and parking next week. so final last call!

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Name: Mike Newman

Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Mike51 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:17 pm

Plans firmed up for 2017. I will be coming with a friend, driving from base in Brittany. We'll either need 2 cars or trailer for the Sylva. Parking at the circuit is already very booked up - I am in Beausejour. I have booked a space at Spay camping Houssay - I sent them a Google Earth placemark to show the spot I wanted!

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Re: Le Mans 2017

Postby Edd » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:23 pm

". I have booked a space at Spay camping Houssay - I sent them a Google Earth placemark to show the spot I wanted!"

LOL! Good luck with that! They normally struggle with email!

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