Le Mans 2014

Le Mans ? Laon ? Talk about it here
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Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:18 pm

Hi All,
I am now planning next year’s LM24 2014. Please email me direct, or on here, if you are interested in coming. Initial plans are below, but still to be firmed up and I am happy to arrange parts or even other crossings.
Weds 11th June:
Late afternoon/Early evening Tunnel. Drive down towards Rouen. Staying overnight at a campsite in Nuefchatel en bray, or a Gites in similar area. Preferred option at the moment is a Gite due to speed/ease/luxury/comfort and ease of departure in the morning.
Thurs 11th June:
Drive to Spay campsite, there are route options. 1. Fast road 2. Intermediate road but straightforward 3. Twisty fun roads! I'll be taking 3, but happy to give clear directions for 1 and 2!
Set up at campsite, quick shop for essentials then to track for rest of qualifying and dinner (may dine outside circuit as inside restaurant is now only available to 'corporates'.
Friday: R & R.
Although still plenty to do. Classic welcome/Pit Lane/Drivers Parade/Circuit drive/Moules et Frites/Drivers Parade/BBQ with the Dutch KCC (must not miss!)
Er...the main event! I plan to spend 24 hours at the circuit....but I say this every year, and usually give in about 0300!
Monday - Back North! I'll probably stay at Nuefchatel again as I have 6 hours’ drive UK side but expect everyone else will head home!
So, with Porsche joining the LMP1 party with Audi (boo) and Toyota (yay!), fantastic LMP2 and GT fields who's coming to play?
Cost: Normally works out at £150 pp based on 3 per car but this year's route is different to the last 10 years so not sure yet but I will be finalising plans in the next few weeks.

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Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:28 pm

er...for 3 per car should read 2 per car. doh!

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Bas Bais
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Name: Bas Bais

Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Bas Bais » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:42 am

Dutch kitcarclub people are also very busy planning their party at Le mans right now :-)
It's 1102 Lbs and yellow

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Bas Bais
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Name: Bas Bais

Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Bas Bais » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:55 am

Hello Edd

Harm Boerma and Paul Vd Knijff can't logg in any more on this forum

Can you or someone else send them their login details ?

Kind regards

It's 1102 Lbs and yellow

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Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:53 am

Looking forward to meeting you guys again in June,

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Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:55 am

See here also:-

If you are trying to register on this forum, then please read this.

Although this is a relatively quiet forum, we get about 150 registration requests a week. Most of these are spam, but it means we have to be extra careful about checking each request, to make sure there is a real person behind each one.

Please bear in mind the following guidelines when you register:

1. Keep your user name relatively simple - something with lots of vowels gets deleted immediately as it is almost certainly spam.

2. When asked for your name, please provide it. If you provide a name that is identical to the user name then the request will be deleted. This is how we identify 95% of spam requests.

3. Give us a few days to authorise your account. We do this stuff for free in our spare time. Going through JPSC forum registration requests is not high on our spouses priorities !

4. If all else fails, email me at the following email address (which has been complicated to avoid bots picking it up):

pete @ my first name and second name joined together . com


Peter Collingridge

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Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:55 pm

What a test day that sounded like! Really looking forward to the race now, should be a classic! If you're not coming you are missing a treat!

The Knobs
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Name: Tim Price

Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby The Knobs » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:05 pm

Me and the wife taking the motorhome down Wednesday night, taking plenty of gas for the fridge as its going to be a scorcher

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Name: Matt Owen

Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby crashmatt » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:52 pm

I shall be over there with the old man but taking a motor home not the Leader :(
Where's every body camping, we're in PZ54 just out side Porsche curves. Would be good to say hello if the opportunity arises.

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Re: Le Mans 2014

Postby Edd » Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:29 pm

We, well 9 of us and a ;load of Dutch kitcar guys, are out at Spay. Lovely campsite, clean AND hot showers!

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