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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby Edd » Wed May 01, 2019 2:14 pm

Not quite how they told me, that line was apparently an access road, not the line itself!
I don't think the line knocks the mast down but suppose it depends how much land they need either saide for construction!
Will post Saturday exactly where we end up!

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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby adithorp » Fri May 03, 2019 12:26 pm

17 looks like where the building was being demolished across the road last year. Is that how you see it?

Took the covers off the Fury yesterday... :shock:

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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby adithorp » Sat May 04, 2019 7:11 pm

After all the speculation we're set up in the normal spot under the phone mast. Cars will be parked across the road though as there's a strip of soil on our usual field.

If arriving in a kit carry on sreight from the entrance rather turning right as you'll get stuck behind the access road fence.

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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby Edd » Wed May 08, 2019 5:30 pm

Thanks to all those who came and said hello, it's nice to meet people and chat a little, rather than just park up and walk away without a word!
I think a few were confused by the Brochure as officially we were in the Grand Ring, but I have arranged with the organisors to be where we were but not intime for publication. I saw a few cars parked in the ring, but no drivers about.
The pitch was a bit of a mess, but we made do! I have just seen a picture from many years ago with cut grass and no overgrown areas around the mast or fences! If I can remove it from the document I'll post it here!
Thanks to Ruari and Neil for lifts and company at the Indian Saturday evening, Neil for looking after the Pitch while I had a brief wander around the show, and to Adi/Jim/Sean for help setting up and taking down.
The BBQ Sunday evening was a success I think and a goodly number of attendees, all the meat went anyway!
The show itself has been discussed eslewhere but I think 'needs some love' as I read on a facebook post! We'll have to see what the next few years brings regarding HS2 construction!
More later but in the meantime, see you next year!!

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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby Edd » Wed May 08, 2019 5:36 pm

Stoneleigh 2000.jpg
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Re: Stoneleigh

Postby Jester » Wed May 08, 2019 5:49 pm

That's a good number of cars

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