My Striker and Future of JPSC

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My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby Edd » Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:37 pm

Hi all,
Well, today is a sad day for me, but a great day for Gary! My Striker has been moved to a new home in Newcastle. Quite emotional but I'll still be able to see it and help Gary with any niggles!
So, as no longer a JPSC car owner this calls into question my JPSC Chairmanship!
Please comment but i will gladly hand all over to someone who feels able to take the club forward?

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Re: My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby peter030371 » Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:12 am

No plans to replace it with another JPSC car then?

The active members have gone down and down as you well know :(

Unless someone with the time (that counts me out!) and enthusiasm to carry on the JPSC I can see it shrinking to nothing in the near future. I did wonder if there could me some crossover of interest with the MK owners club now but looking at that site it is used less than this one, looks like no posts since 2015 :o

The only kit car clubs that seem to be surviving are the more general ones i.e. NWKCOG or Southern Kit Car Club.
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Re: My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby Edd » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:39 am

My thoughts too, the only activity appears to on Facebook mainly, which is fine but still tyhink there is a home for us, for now!
The funds are quite low now, certainly in the hundreds, which will sustain Stoneliegh for another few years.
We'll see.
PS. Striker replacement likely to be a 2 seater sports car but not a kit, but still expaloring options, no rush!

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Re: My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby Steve750 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:36 pm

Very sad news, but I totally understand why.
I've broken the bones of my Striker and its been painted and looking great.

Head lamps replaced and looking for the best way to upload pics as I'm useless

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Re: My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby Kccv23highliftcam » Sun Aug 01, 2021 3:43 pm

Ahh bugger. Sorry to read that Edd.

Facebook seems to have sucked the life out of a LOT of old forums for lots of interests; perhaps it's just TOO easy to share your life with the datafication of SM?

I have retired TWICE so far but life has a way of buggering up your plans!

Back into the workforce again starting September once more into the breech, was hoping to crack on with C702RFE in the time between but having some issues...


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Re: My Striker and Future of JPSC

Postby ruaricoles » Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:03 pm

I've not checked messages here for a while; I'm sorry to hear you've sold the car Edd, join the "I'll get another one, one day" sub group :) I'm sure the new owner is enjoying it, and they're built to be enjoyed rather than sitting unused. Let us know what is to come next!

From a club point of view, if someone comes forwards to pick up the JPSC reins with new ideas then great; in the meantime, if it exists as a point of reference and contact for people and we have an annual gathering (/curry) at Stoneleigh then I don't think anyone can complain given the general state of the industry at the moment. Thank you for keeping it going.


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