Things that make me smile

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Things that make me smile

Postby petercoll » Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:35 pm

A day off work
Bright sunshine
A fresh breeze to blow away the cobwebs
Some time to get the Striker out the garage
The lack of oil on the garage floor
An engine that catches first push of the starter button
The lack of smoke from the exhaust on start-up
The lumpy idle of a crossflow with a 244 cam and no choke on the Webers
The popping and banging under the bonnet as I pull away at low revs
The way the noise from the front of the car shifts from induction noise on the right at low revs to exhaust noise on the left at high revs
The girl behind the till at the petrol station saying "I bet that car's fun"
The race off the lights with a tin-top - must have lasted all of a second before they backed off
The grip from the A048's on the roundabout I went round (3 times)
The ability to overtake safely in the smallest of gaps
The smooth pull from low revs once the engine is warmed up
The manic nature of the 244 cam once I get above 5,500 rpm
The looks from pedestrians as I drive slowly (but noisily) through a village
The responsiveness of the quick ratio steering rack
The sure footedness at speed
The echo of the exhaust as I blast up a tree-lined lane
The smiles from the group of lads who turn around to look at the car as I approach them
The appreciative flash of lights from a car turning off behind me
My daughter coming home from school, seeing the Striker on the drive and saying "Can we go for a drive Dad ?"

Damn right we can !


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Name: Jeff Wiltshire

Re: Things that make me smile

Postby jeffw » Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:19 pm

Nice, made me smile as well :)

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Re: Things that make me smile

Postby Chet » Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:17 am

Well written -
Most of us tend to forget how fleeting life is
Enjoy and appreciate the moment as no one can tell us how many moments there are left.

How does the saying go -
It's not the years in your life that's important it's the life in your years

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Re: Things that make me smile

Postby easisatman » Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:54 pm

I dont know about a smile i need tissues, I think I will get my striker out tomorrow apparantly 18 degrees and sunny stiil thats what you get if you live in Barcelona


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