New member Manchester area

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Re: New member Manchester area

Postby jeffw » Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:04 pm

The Fury is wider in the cockpit by a few inches than a Phoenix (which is a Striker with a full body on). Fury has the option of a full screen which wasn't something the Phoenix ever had.

Apart from that they are pretty similar, the Fury was designed after the Phoenix and there are some detailed differences but all from the same hand essentially.

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Re: New member Manchester area

Postby Murray » Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:26 pm

Thanks for the information Jeffw
I think I had better find a car to go sit in and see how I fit.

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Re: New member Manchester area

Postby adithorp » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:55 am

You're welcome to come sit in mine. It's in the workshop at work do would have to be weekday daytime or Sat morning. I might even get around to taking all the touring junk out this week. Let me know and I'll send you the address.

Alternatively I'll be at Blyton track day in a couple of weeks (see events section) if you want to come along for a look or even a ride. Not sure if there'll be any Phoenix there but Pete will be with his Striker so you could compare with that for room.

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Re: New member Manchester area

Postby peter030371 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:25 am

adithorp wrote:Pete will be with his Striker so you could compare with that for room.

Alas new family member (4 legs and goes not a baby although he is only 10 weeks old!) means I am almost certainly done with Track time for this year now and I really can't see me having the time to travel up to Blyton. If I could do it in a single day I would probably squeeze it in but a 4 hr drive to Blyton then a track day then a 4 hr drive home would probably be the end of me right now. Another guy on here (sorry I am terrible with names) was going to try and get there this year in his Striker, he only lives a few miles away so maybe he will be there.
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Re: New member Manchester area

Postby Murray » Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:32 pm

adithorp wrote:You're welcome to come sit in mine. It's in the workshop at work do would have to be weekday daytime or Sat morning. I might even get around to taking all the touring junk out this week. Let me know and I'll send you the address.

Alternatively I'll be at Blyton track day in a couple of weeks (see events section) if you want to come along for a look or even a ride. Not sure if there'll be any Phoenix there but Pete will be with his Striker so you could compare with that for room.

I really appreciate the offer and will gladly take you up on it if you don't mind.
I'm away for a few days but when I get back I will contact you if thats ok?

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Name: sylvaschool

Re: New member Manchester area

Postby sylvaschool » Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:41 pm

Hi , do you have the sylva striker still for sale ? tank you DJ.

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