SSC Stylus... new owner

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Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Mon May 22, 2017 5:40 pm

lol... I just realised it read like I took the dash out to investigate the gauge... which I wish in some ways were true.. in this case I just wan't happy with a. how loose everything was and b. the finish of the wood was not great.

I had thought however the dash would come out a lot easier than it did... but once I was in it.. I was in it...

Oh well.

Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:09 am

Well, i havn’t had a lot of time to work on the stylus but i am keen to have her available for the summer so decided to finally tackle getting the dash out and replaced / renewed.

So now i am faced with this birds best....


TBH i was a bit disappointed in how this cars interior has been put together, or probably more than likely taken apart and put back together over the years...

I’m going to have the dash panel remade, utilising classic mini glove box moulding and door mechanism. I’m also probably update the various dash Lights will LED units.

The biggest challenge i have now is working out a more robust mechanism of securing the dash and top panel....

Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:35 pm

this is the Dash out..



So after an hour or so labelling etc I am left with the following:




I had to make a right mess of the back of some of the instruments... its almost as if the brass nuts used had been super glued on... so much so there is no chance of re using the original securing method. On the new dash I'll have to bond them in I guess. Although I have started a tentative google search on if I could add a digital type dash

Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:40 pm

Hi All,

Well the cricket season is over so I have more time to concentrate on getting the car back on the road.

After a lot of contemplation and internet research I have decided to completely change the dash set up.

Decision 1. I'm going to ditch the gauges and go down the Digital dash route... I am in the process of purchasing an Acewell 7659. I do like the classic dash and dial look but I also want to update the car and this is a way of doing that and at the same time simplifying the dash wiring, which is causing me stress.

Decision 2. I am going to use a classic mini dash. I have bought a dash blank, the top panel and the bottom dash rail. Its dimensions are close to what I need and although it will need some modification I am happy I can make it work and it should give me close to the original look that I was going for whilst meaning I don't have to create something from scratch.

The inspiration for what I will do is this picture: ... 567a_b.jpg

I won't have as much going on on the dash panel itself but I will have the glove box and the round silver buttons in the bottom rail will also be mirrored by what I do. I have ordered new black vinyl covers with contrasting stitching for the upper dash and bottom rail so hopefully that will tie it all together.

Once everything is here I will be able to see what its going to take to get it all to fit.... fingers crossed I can make it work.

Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:25 am

Board whilst on work meetings I clicked on a dusty link in my favourites that is indeed this forum...

This thread tells me I have owned my car for over 4 years now and driven it only a few times, I need to get my arse in gear this winter and get it back on the road!

But first things first.. I'll need to get all he crap thats on top of it off and put somewhere else!!

FFS ive even moved house since this last post... just shows how time flies!

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Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Edd » Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:53 pm

Boondougal wrote:Board whilst on work meetings I clicked on a dusty link in my favourites that is indeed this forum...

This thread tells me I have owned my car for over 4 years now and driven it only a few times, I need to get my arse in gear this winter and get it back on the road!

But first things first.. I'll need to get all he crap thats on top of it off and put somewhere else!!

FFS ive even moved house since this last post... just shows how time flies!

Stop messing about with Porkers and sort this one! LOL

Posts: 49
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am
Name: Sam Carney

Re: SSC Stylus... new owner

Postby Boondougal » Mon May 20, 2024 10:27 pm

Its 3 years on.. and no real progress.


Anyone interested in buying this and getting it back on the Road?

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